Aardvark Press is an independent publishing services company and is celebrating its nineteenth year in 2022. Although we are based in South Africa, we offer our services to clients abroad too.

What and who does Aardvark Press publish?
Aardvark Press currently focuses on helping writers achieve their goal of publishing their own work, with consultancy around production, marketing and publicity. Aardvark Press works with authors who are entrepreneurs and leaders and who are willing to take their belief in their message further than the pages of a book.

Where Aardvark Press publishes under its own imprint, it focuses on:

  • business (entrepreneurship, small business challenges),
  • natural history and the environment,
  • adventure.

Some of our titles in the past, now out of print, are what might be termed ‘socially motivating’. They include the original how 2 help series, and Advocate Neville Melville’s From Apartheid to Zaamheid. Our very first title was South Africa: Reasons to Believe by Guy Lundy and Wayne Visser. We have published the story of Sibusiso Vilane, the first black African to summit Mount Everest on both sides, with a myriad of other mountaineering feats now in his name: To the Top from Nowhere. We also published Johan Gerber’s Garden Guardian – A guide to environmentally-responsible garden care which features the hows and whys of tackling garden pests with natural and eco-friendly treatments rather than toxins.

Aardvark Press was one of the first publishing companies to join the Proudly South African campaign back in November 2002. Although we are no longer members, we certainly subscribe to the values of the campaign. Where we can we support local suppliers and place our printing at factories which use South African paper made from pulp grown on managed plantations. This makes some of our books a little more expensive to produce but we think the investment in our environment is worth it.

Where should suggestions and opinions be directed?
We welcome constructive comments that will help us improve our books, and our business. We strive for best practice, but there are always ways of improving our strategies and relationships without upsetting the gods of commerce! Your input will be valued at all times. Best to contact us by phone 0836303391 or email publish@aardvarkpress.co.za or snailmail PostNet Suite #030 Private Bag X6589 George 6530. We have moved to the realms of a virtual office – we will endeavor to respond to you as soon as we receive your message.