As an author, you may want to publish your book yourself for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you want to:

  • Retain control of your work and thus your intellectual property (IP).
  • Invest in your work, but also want to recoup a greater portion of profits from sales.
  • Produce and print only a few books for friends and family, perhaps for a special occasion.
  • Test the market.
  • Produce a book to impress a larger publisher so that you can try and ‘sell’ rights to your work.
  • Produce an e-book that distinguishes you from the rest, to sell online.

What can we offer you?

  • Our experience in the general trade and educational book publishing industry.
  • Dedicated and creative support for you as you embark on the adventure of publishing your own book!
  • A publishing plan for your book, fine-tuned to meet your requirements.
  • Preparation of material for printing anywhere in the world, or publishing online.
  • Our critical eye and editorial expertise. We will provide guidance, and help you along the way. In essence we can help you prepare a professionally edited and prepared product for market.
  • Overall project management of your book’s production (or any aspect thereof – if you’d prefer to do some of the work yourself).
  • Content and copy editing, fact-checking, proofreading etc.
  • Picture research to source, brief and commission artwork (illustrations, diagrams, maps etc.) for your book and for the book’s cover.
  • We can help with cover design, and with the cover blurb.
  • We can provide a print broking service to find you the best price, for the best quality product (according to your budget).
  • We can manage the origination of the book for you, with you being involved from start to end.
  • We can assist with brainstorming so that you can find sponsorship or funding. Your book may attract a subsidy, or other funding.
  • We can design and set up an attractive website to promote your efforts as an author, and to sell your book from.
  • We can introduce your book to the trade market.
  • We can help you market your books both locally and abroad.
  • We can help create punchy press releases, and a campaign to build your image in the market. (This will help sell your book.)
  • We can guide you on how to promote your book through the media, or we can do it for you.
  • We can sort out all the admin that’s required to make your book (ISBN, listings, statutory requirements etc.)
  • We can prepare print and digital media in support of your book.
  • All of these services, or only those that you need to bring your book to fruition, are on offer through Aardvark Press.